Battling Insecurities

Hello everyone..!! I hope you are doing good .If not then don’t worry just put on big smile because worrying doesn’t solve any problem. So starting with my today’s topic INSECURITIES…

We all live different life and some point of time everyone has gone through insecurities .How to define insecurity?  …Insecurity can be pretty much tough thing to define in human psychology. It is created from social anxiety, depressive tendencies, negative thought patterns and inability to feel safe can all combine to make us feel insecure.

Am I fat? Am I pretty? Do I have enough intelligence? What if people think I’m ugly? Am I boring? Do people around me like my company? What if people think I am dumb? Will I Succeed? What if I fail? What if no one loves me? What if I lose my near and dear one? What if she /he leave me? What if she/he stops talking to me ? What if he/she forgets me? What if she/he gets new friend? Will any one understand me? What if……

Our endless insecurities….


One other day… I was talking to my  friend about my problems .I was tired of thinking about the insecurities which has tied my mind .He gave me one life changing advice. He is one of the best advisor I had ever met. He said me one story that changed my mind set…The story goes here…

“There’s no light in this world that can destroy me,” a demon said and smirked at me. The demon wore anxiety and depression like his armor.

I had nothing to say, because all this this while, everyone had proved the demon right.

So, every night, I would sit in the corner of my room, crying. And the only person there, always with and for me, was the demon. Then one day, my eyes fell on you. I noticed how you were laughing and giggling with your friends. And in that moment, I aspired to be like you; to just get lost in a moment and enjoy it while it lasts.

I remember how I thought the best day of my life was when you had initiated a conversation with me. You talked to me, and in you, I saw a faithful friend. You shared my sorrows, made my insecurities go away, and with that, you made my demon crawl away from me.

So now, instead of sitting in a corner and crying, I actually sleep peacefully at night. Instead of skipping meals, I eat whatever I wish to. Instead of lying in my bed and mulling over whether I should go out or not, I actually go out.

I started hanging out with you. I could feel that it made me more confident day by day. It definitely was a good feeling.

People told me that it made them happy seeing how I changed myself. They appreciated that I made this effort, and this made me ecstatic.

But one day, I realized that you found all my stories insipid. I didn’t want to lose a friend like you, so I ignored that and moved on. In each moment that I spent with you after that, it felt like impaling myself, because in that short time, you showed me that side of me which I thought wasn’t even there; and I was afraid of losing it.

And then, the fears that were disguised as happiness came true; you left me to be on my own. And that day, I realized that even friends can break your heart and make you feel miserable.

So, that night I lay awake, and from the corner of my eye, I saw the demon crawling back towards me. He patted my back and stayed there with me, as he used to. All the insecurities came back, whispering that they missed me.

But one thing changed. Earlier, I used to get scared of him. But from that day, I started embracing him.

How can you not appreciate someone who’s there for you, when everyone leaves you alone?

“Indeed, there’s no light that can destroy you, except that of my own self. And I want you to stay,” I murmured to the demon, while he smiled at me and winked

“Always,” he said…


……by listening to the story I felt it was dark and inviting .I just felt that everyone has dark side inside them but how u fight with it or progress in your life along with that devil is notice worthy. If we try to remove one insecurity other will it’s better to work with it and become strong person. Your insecurities aren’t likely to vanish overnight, but slowly, through perseverance and positive thinking towards it, they will start to weaken. If  we can start to accept and be who we are, we just may realize not only that it’s okay but that most people think it’s okay too .As it is said “Your thoughts create your own reality”. As law of attraction what we think we act in that manner and we attract that .So its always better to attract positive things.

“Let the insecurities die

May you fly high!!”

So that’s all for today. I hope you like my blog. If yes please do share like and comment. Feel free to write Until then take care and feel good about your insecurities






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